Tell us a bit about your shop? Franchisee selling coffee, muffins and light meals.
What's in season or really popular right now with shoppers? Cold drinks because of the warm weather.
How long have you been working here? 18 months since opening.
Are you a big or small crew - how many of you working there? 16 staff including juniors.
What's the best part of your job? Interaction with customers, becoming friends and supporting them.
What are your interests in life? Any hobbies, interests or mad obsessions? Love reading, family gatherings, and I want to get my motorbike license.
So, do you think your shop or services helps make customers’ live easier? If so, tell us how: Yes, it’s a nice environment where they come to talk, rest and feel safe.
Do you have local customers you know by name, or like to have a chat with? Yes.
What is the funniest or must unusual request you’ve ever had from a customer? I get a lot of interest from customers when we do a theme in store. I dress up to promote Muffin Break.
What do you think makes Lansell Square a great community and/or good place to shop? The open plan, plenty of room for the elderly and new parents.